
Stalk, Chase, …Attack
With a face chiseled with good looks, a staccato, yet smooth free-styling flow, and a strong focus on building his brand – it’s hard not to be impressed with Ellevan.
His approach to music, as well as life, is Lion-like in nature.
“There’s never been a timid lion. When I hear a beat, I stalk it like prey, I chase it (finding the melody, the right phrasing & timing) and I attack as fast, as hard and as strategically as I can!”
Ellevan speaks like a student of life, touching on knowledge gained through his relationships, friendly, romantic & familial (his relationship with his mother inspired his song Thank You) and his trials and tribulations. He courageously left two successful careers, and survived “unreal experiences that his peers didn’t recover from” to pursue his passion — a music career. You can hear that struggle and triumph in his lyrics.
Ellevan wants your attention. Matter fact, come here, take a listen, he’s gonna take it. He knows this is what he was made for, he tried other things. “That’s how you can tell what you wanna do. Remove EVERYTHING but what you love / what you’re doing and see if you’re okay with it.” He’s okay with it. He’s been okay with it since he was a little kid singing into a hairbrush. If you listen closely, you can actually hear the “tick, tick” on this bomb that is set to explode.