Be Kind, Rewind

Respect in Retrospect
There’s something about 90’s Grunge. It was the anti-anthem of a counter-culture that had enough of the status quo, and they just didn’t care…. about anything. Anyone who experienced this era might know what we’re talking about. Be Kind, Rewind definitely gets it.
Be Kind, Rewind is made up of Farzan Tashvighi (Lead Vocals), James McBride (Guitar), Derek Boshkov (Bassist), & David Alexander (Drums). These guys are what they play. They bring you the best of the masters of Grunge, from Stone Temple Pilots to Our Lady Peace to Smashing Pumpkins, and everything in between.
“We do this because we love music, specifically the 90’s alt rock/grunge era and we know there is an army of people out there of all different ages and backgrounds that do as well, so as musicians, we wanted to bring this music back at live venues.”
Even though the music is rooted in the past, their presentation is timeless. Fall in love with Be Kind, Rewind. Or don’t. It’s whatever, man.